Goodbye to 2008!
Hello to 2009!
2007 The Year of Completion
2008 The Year of New Beginnings
2009 The Year of Provision
What lies ahead for 2009?
There are so many opportunities to see God do the miraculous! Not only for us, but in us!
I am fully aware that I have alot of growing up still to do, and I am willing and ready!
I am excited!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What is important today?What are my priorities in life today?Where have I been and where am I going?I need to keep things in perspective, continually!Often times, I find myself getting pulled into a race, to get "something" a new career or ministry or purpose......or a new project in the yard or with the house.....or trying to fix relationships, like the kids or my marriage!!But what if I just daily SURRENDERED......accepting the way things are today, and not being in such a hurry to change what I think needs to change? Do I really have the resources, power or ability to create the life I think I want by organizing my life more, updating and decorating my home, managing relationships, creating work/income, having a position of importance?What if I SURRENDERED all these?What is lacking in my life that I feel a need to control?What do I want that I don't have that is making me feel discontent?And yet, I am happy! I really love what is going on in my life!Sure, there is some hard stuff......the world economy does not look good, peoples lives are broken, there is death and heartache and loss daily.But how do I describe the peace that still reigns in my heart? The JOY! The joy of truly feeling alive and free for the first time ever?CHRIST!
My past was filled with fears, and insecurities, and confusion, and shame! But God has done a new work in my heart...a transformation! He is showing me how to be ME, and trust Him with the process of sanctification (becoming more Christ-like), which is my goal and ambition and desire!The past had so much slavery attached.....bondage and enslavement to my flesh and desires. Ahhh, but I do have some flesh left! And I have to still fight these impulses! They may not "look" as unrighteuous as my previous ways were. But in truth, they pull me to do things or buy things or spend time on things that are not of eternal value.Perspective, again. Balance!So........I stay in this race, I surrender daily, I trust and let go.Wake up each day, aware! Speak aloud to my Father...."Guide me today according to Your purposes and help me to SURRENDER anything that would bring me harm. I choose to glorify You in all I do."
My past was filled with fears, and insecurities, and confusion, and shame! But God has done a new work in my heart...a transformation! He is showing me how to be ME, and trust Him with the process of sanctification (becoming more Christ-like), which is my goal and ambition and desire!The past had so much slavery attached.....bondage and enslavement to my flesh and desires. Ahhh, but I do have some flesh left! And I have to still fight these impulses! They may not "look" as unrighteuous as my previous ways were. But in truth, they pull me to do things or buy things or spend time on things that are not of eternal value.Perspective, again. Balance!So........I stay in this race, I surrender daily, I trust and let go.Wake up each day, aware! Speak aloud to my Father...."Guide me today according to Your purposes and help me to SURRENDER anything that would bring me harm. I choose to glorify You in all I do."
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
A Struggle Indeed!
What a blessing...this family that God loves. He is at work.... completing what He began, but not without a struggle!
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. " James 1:2-4
Today's trial involves the parents of Jaycob. They are so mad at each other, they can't even parent efficiently. And this is not fair to Jaycob! Ali sabotages Josh's every move toward growth.....not picking up Jaycob when she is supposed to and putting his jobs in jeopardy! Josh can't seem to make a parenting plan or push towards a legal resolution. What is he to do? Where is God in this? What is His will for Jaycob? Josh? Father, I pray today that you will overcome Josh with wisdom and maturity. Open his eyes and direct his steps. May You be glorified in all of this!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
The Future
When I start to think about the future, I imagine all sorts of scenarios:
1) Staying in our home, slowly remodeling, just working this simple job, kids, grandkids coming and going.
2) Moving…a fresh start, a new beginning. A place with land….a view…. a real home. I’ve never really felt at “home” in this house.
3) Go back to school….Paralegal? Administrative Assistant? Work in the city? Stay in Bellevue?
4) Are Ron and I in this together...forever? Can I live with him if he just stays the same?
“And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife……nevertheless, each one should retain the place in life that the Lord assigned to him and to which God has called him.” 1 Corinthians 7:13,14,17
“Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34
“Then Jesus said to his disciples, therefore, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes……But seek his kingdom and these things will be given to you as well.” Luke 12:22-34
And I still wonder what MORE there may be. Am I serving the Lord? Is this what He has for me? A pretty simple life of family, work, friends……but I want to DO something for Him! Evangelize, travel, support, encourage others…SERVE.
But is THIS serving……
“He HAS shown you, Anne, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8
1) Staying in our home, slowly remodeling, just working this simple job, kids, grandkids coming and going.
2) Moving…a fresh start, a new beginning. A place with land….a view…. a real home. I’ve never really felt at “home” in this house.
3) Go back to school….Paralegal? Administrative Assistant? Work in the city? Stay in Bellevue?
4) Are Ron and I in this together...forever? Can I live with him if he just stays the same?
“And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife……nevertheless, each one should retain the place in life that the Lord assigned to him and to which God has called him.” 1 Corinthians 7:13,14,17
“Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34
“Then Jesus said to his disciples, therefore, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes……But seek his kingdom and these things will be given to you as well.” Luke 12:22-34
And I still wonder what MORE there may be. Am I serving the Lord? Is this what He has for me? A pretty simple life of family, work, friends……but I want to DO something for Him! Evangelize, travel, support, encourage others…SERVE.
But is THIS serving……
“He HAS shown you, Anne, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8
Sarah Palin to Peggy Noonan
I just finished reading your piece on Sarah Palin in today's Wall Street Journal. I am not a Wall Street subscriber! I found the article through a Google search! Your thoughts inspired me to respond:I'm a Conservative Washingtonian (West Coast!) and have been very favorable towards Governor Palin. She IS an authentic, honest, spunky AND intelligent woman! She is MY age! Humbling, I must say, as I have not "achieved" even 5% of her accomplishments. But I will say she INSPIRES ME! And she inspires many women like me! Women whose hearts are in their homes, in their marriages, and in their communities? UNLIKE Hillary Clinton. We can't compare with Hillary. She is "educated" and "elitist". Sarah is an example of what a woman can any age! I am inspired to embark on my own new journeys.....and Sarah Palin is a great influence of that! It's never too late to stand up for what we believe in, to fight for the core values that have been planted in our hearts, families, and heritage, to overcome ALL obstacles for the honor and privilege to serve this GREAT COUNTRY. And I believe with ALL MY HEART that Sarah Palin in FOR AMERICA! For the America that was founded and established over 200 years ago.....ONE NATION UNDER GOD.....the God of the Bible...not the god of any other faith.She will protect our nation, serve our neighboring countries, collaborate with our friends and refuse to partner with our enemies.I really had not intended to share so much from my heart, but the words just found themselves on this page!My purpose in writing was to let you know that after reading your article on Mrs. Palin, I could see how you would be concerned over her appointment as Vice President. But as you also mentioned, we have not seen what GIFTS are tucked away in reserve, to be used for what is most important....leading and guiding this great nation alongside President-to-be elected, John McCain.Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. You are welcome to take a glance at my own family at to get a picture of who I represent!
With thanks for your service in journalism to us and blessings on all that is important to you,
Anne Kuchera
Bellevue, WA
I just finished reading your piece on Sarah Palin in today's Wall Street Journal. I am not a Wall Street subscriber! I found the article through a Google search! Your thoughts inspired me to respond:I'm a Conservative Washingtonian (West Coast!) and have been very favorable towards Governor Palin. She IS an authentic, honest, spunky AND intelligent woman! She is MY age! Humbling, I must say, as I have not "achieved" even 5% of her accomplishments. But I will say she INSPIRES ME! And she inspires many women like me! Women whose hearts are in their homes, in their marriages, and in their communities? UNLIKE Hillary Clinton. We can't compare with Hillary. She is "educated" and "elitist". Sarah is an example of what a woman can any age! I am inspired to embark on my own new journeys.....and Sarah Palin is a great influence of that! It's never too late to stand up for what we believe in, to fight for the core values that have been planted in our hearts, families, and heritage, to overcome ALL obstacles for the honor and privilege to serve this GREAT COUNTRY. And I believe with ALL MY HEART that Sarah Palin in FOR AMERICA! For the America that was founded and established over 200 years ago.....ONE NATION UNDER GOD.....the God of the Bible...not the god of any other faith.She will protect our nation, serve our neighboring countries, collaborate with our friends and refuse to partner with our enemies.I really had not intended to share so much from my heart, but the words just found themselves on this page!My purpose in writing was to let you know that after reading your article on Mrs. Palin, I could see how you would be concerned over her appointment as Vice President. But as you also mentioned, we have not seen what GIFTS are tucked away in reserve, to be used for what is most important....leading and guiding this great nation alongside President-to-be elected, John McCain.Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. You are welcome to take a glance at my own family at to get a picture of who I represent!
With thanks for your service in journalism to us and blessings on all that is important to you,
Anne Kuchera
Bellevue, WA
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Let's be HONEST....
Let's be HONEST.....Here's a rare glimpse into the REALITY of life right now! Really don’t know what to do…..what do I have control over and what don’t I have control over? 1st....The kids: Cell phones - This is a luxury we can’t afford right now. I would easily shut the accounts down, but Ron is involved and doesn’t support the decision. Internet - Another luxury and influence that we need to monitor. Katie’s behavior on MySpace is shockingly disappointing. Did I do this??? J osh back to RAP music with deplorable lyrics….WHY is he doing this? Josh playing around, not serious about Jaycob, finding work, going to school or moving forward. Not going to church either…no fellowship. Why do I feel so alone in all this? Ron never really takes responsibility for anything much. He overdraws his checking account, wastes money on non-essentials, and shows no interest in changing his ways. I love my job….thinking about going to school. I may need to have a career to provide for myself someday. Ron doesn’t think about the future and I’m not certain that we are still fit for ever? I KNOW God is for me. I LOVE HIM! He is so good to me! Father, what shall I do, if anything?? I’m frustrated again. I want to empower and encourage my kids, but EVERYTHING I do, Ron undoes!!! EVERYTHING!! He is not a leader, nor a parent. He just wants to be friends with everyone, including his kids. He hurts a lot of people by this behavior. It is so selfish! When I read about how to be a better wife, I really WANT to have a man that I can partner with, respect, admire and enjoy. But life with him just seems like one big joke. How do I honor THAT? Change of thought.......I also need to get back to taking care of myself! I haven’t been to the gym in over a month! I don’t go to CR anymore……want a stronger group. Don’t even go out with the girls anymore? Tonight we have Jaycob. This is fine. But what is Josh doing??Blah Blah Blah!! I MUST walk tonight!
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