What is important today?What are my priorities in life today?Where have I been and where am I going?I need to keep things in perspective, continually!Often times, I find myself getting pulled into a race, to get "something" DONE......like a new career or ministry or purpose......or a new project in the yard or with the house.....or trying to fix relationships, like the kids or my marriage!!But what if I just daily SURRENDERED......accepting the way things are today, and not being in such a hurry to change what I think needs to change? Do I really have the resources, power or ability to create the life I think I want by organizing my life more, updating and decorating my home, managing relationships, creating work/income, having a position of importance?What if I SURRENDERED all these?What is lacking in my life that I feel a need to control?What do I want that I don't have that is making me feel discontent?And yet, I am happy! I really love what is going on in my life!Sure, there is some hard stuff......the world economy does not look good, peoples lives are broken, there is death and heartache and loss daily.But how do I describe the peace that still reigns in my heart? The JOY! The joy of truly feeling alive and free for the first time ever?CHRIST!
My past was filled with fears, and insecurities, and confusion, and shame! But God has done a new work in my heart...a transformation! He is showing me how to be ME, and trust Him with the process of sanctification (becoming more Christ-like), which is my goal and ambition and desire!The past had so much slavery attached.....bondage and enslavement to my flesh and desires. Ahhh, but I do have some flesh left! And I have to still fight these impulses! They may not "look" as unrighteuous as my previous ways were. But in truth, they pull me to do things or buy things or spend time on things that are not of eternal value.Perspective, again. Balance!So........I stay in this race, I surrender daily, I trust and let go.Wake up each day, aware! Speak aloud to my Father...."Guide me today according to Your purposes and help me to SURRENDER anything that would bring me harm. I choose to glorify You in all I do."
My past was filled with fears, and insecurities, and confusion, and shame! But God has done a new work in my heart...a transformation! He is showing me how to be ME, and trust Him with the process of sanctification (becoming more Christ-like), which is my goal and ambition and desire!The past had so much slavery attached.....bondage and enslavement to my flesh and desires. Ahhh, but I do have some flesh left! And I have to still fight these impulses! They may not "look" as unrighteuous as my previous ways were. But in truth, they pull me to do things or buy things or spend time on things that are not of eternal value.Perspective, again. Balance!So........I stay in this race, I surrender daily, I trust and let go.Wake up each day, aware! Speak aloud to my Father...."Guide me today according to Your purposes and help me to SURRENDER anything that would bring me harm. I choose to glorify You in all I do."
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