Friday, October 17, 2008

Sarah Palin to Peggy Noonan

I just finished reading your piece on Sarah Palin in today's Wall Street Journal. I am not a Wall Street subscriber! I found the article through a Google search! Your thoughts inspired me to respond:I'm a Conservative Washingtonian (West Coast!) and have been very favorable towards Governor Palin. She IS an authentic, honest, spunky AND intelligent woman! She is MY age! Humbling, I must say, as I have not "achieved" even 5% of her accomplishments. But I will say she INSPIRES ME! And she inspires many women like me! Women whose hearts are in their homes, in their marriages, and in their communities? UNLIKE Hillary Clinton. We can't compare with Hillary. She is "educated" and "elitist". Sarah is an example of what a woman can any age! I am inspired to embark on my own new journeys.....and Sarah Palin is a great influence of that! It's never too late to stand up for what we believe in, to fight for the core values that have been planted in our hearts, families, and heritage, to overcome ALL obstacles for the honor and privilege to serve this GREAT COUNTRY. And I believe with ALL MY HEART that Sarah Palin in FOR AMERICA! For the America that was founded and established over 200 years ago.....ONE NATION UNDER GOD.....the God of the Bible...not the god of any other faith.She will protect our nation, serve our neighboring countries, collaborate with our friends and refuse to partner with our enemies.I really had not intended to share so much from my heart, but the words just found themselves on this page!My purpose in writing was to let you know that after reading your article on Mrs. Palin, I could see how you would be concerned over her appointment as Vice President. But as you also mentioned, we have not seen what GIFTS are tucked away in reserve, to be used for what is most important....leading and guiding this great nation alongside President-to-be elected, John McCain.Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. You are welcome to take a glance at my own family at to get a picture of who I represent!

With thanks for your service in journalism to us and blessings on all that is important to you,
Anne Kuchera
Bellevue, WA

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